Sunday, March 22, 2009

Annotated Bibliogrphy

Marisol Barbosa
February 23, 2009
Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography Entries 1
Chung, Paul J., Schuster, Mark A. (2004). Access and Quality in Child Health Services:
Voltage Drops. Health Affairs, Volume 23, Issue 5, 77-87.

The article is talking about the accessibility and quality of health services for children. It
explains the importance of good healthcare benefits for children and trying to reach those in
need of it the most. It also explains the walls and barriers that are between serving quality
health care for children and their eligibility. The journal describes the barriers people are lost to
insurance companies. The article also goes into explaining what impact these barriers may have
and what they are. It describes the level of children are being affected by these drops and how
they may be reduced.

Annotated Bibliography Entries 2
Anderson, Steven G., Halter, Anthony P., and Gryzlak, Brian M. (2004). Difficulties after Leaving TANF: Inner-City Women Talk about Reasons for Returning to Welfare. Social Work, Volume 49, Number 2, 185-194.

This journal article is about inner-city women in particular having difficulties leaving
welfare and coming back when cut off. For people who live in poor inner-city areas it is difficult
for them to exit TANF because of the job famine and worsening neighborhood. There are five
groups in Chicago that provide the perspectives on leaving TANF and returning back to welfare.
The reasons for returning to welfare are due to low pay and lack of job opportunities. The
article also goes into explaining the strengths and problems participants have when sustaining
TANF is and welfare benefits.

Annotated Bibliography Entries 3
Wasylenki, Donald A. (2001) Inner City Health. Canadian Medical association Journal; Volume
164 Number 2, 2-214.

The article talks about the many troubles individuals face living in inner city areas that
effect health. The article discusses the health of those living in urban areas and the threats to
public health including poverty and pollution. The journal also explains the links between socio-
economic states and health care access reported in the US and UK. The article also concludes in
explaining attempts in Canada to reduce inequities and inequalities in inner city health.

Annotated Bibliography Entries 4
Bodenheimer, Thomas. (2004). Insuring the Uninsured: Will the 2004 Election Provide an
Answer? Annals of Internal Medicine, Volume 141 Number 7, 6-566.

The article talks about the different approaches our candidates for the 2004 election is
into critiquing have on insuring the uninsured individuals and families. The article describes the
three varieties of universal health insurance proposals. It summarizes Bush and Kerry health
insurance coverage plans. The article then goes into critiquing their proposals and explores the
broader concept of using tax credits to purchase individual insurance policies. As a conclusion to
the article it describes physician organizations approaches to insuring the uninsured.

Annotated Bibliography Entries 5
Poker, Anna., Hubbard, Heddy., Sharp Collins, Beth A. (2004) The First National Reports on
United States Healthcare Quality and Disparities. Journal of Nursing Care Quality. Volume 19
Number 4, 3-316.

The article explains the national report on the U.S. healthcare quality and disparities. It
describes the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) as the lead agency charged
with supporting research designed to improve the quality of healthcare, reduce its cost, improve
patient safety, decreases medical errors, and broaden access to essential services. The article
also explains the legislation directed (AHRQ) to produce two annual reports for congress, the
National Healthcare Quality Report (HHQR) and the National healthcare Disparities Report
(NHQR) and the National Healthcare Disparities Report (NHDR).

I learned that these reports were the nation’s first reports on healthcare quality and
disparity conducted by the (AHRQ) that were released in 2003. It’s surprising to me that
Congress mandated these reports because it should have been done a long time ago avoiding
bad quality and difference in healthcare. I also learned that the (AHRQ) supports the
improvement of quality of healthcare by developing annual reports, promoting evidence-based
medicine, detecting and preventing errors in healthcare, supporting primary care research, and
applying the power of the computer in healthcare.

This article is interesting to read and find information on how these reports are taken
and documented for Congress. The journal also goes into describing an overview of the
framework, development, and future use of the reports by consumers, practitioners,
researchers, and policymakers. It is very useful in understanding the purpose of the reports and
what information was found in research. It also allows me to see what these reports are looking
for and what I believe should be looked at more deeply.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is an interesting start, but now you need to connect health issues to their impact on urban student learning. Remember, the project is about the community AND student learning.
